Quality truck scale accessories increase efficiencies and optimize the flow of trucks in and out of your plant. Knowing which accessories will compliment your...
The west has fire after fire, and is running out of water for both communities and the main produce production zones for the nation. The mountain west had snow this week, the plains have floods and tornadoes and hail, the upper Midwest and northeast (including us) are swathed in Mordor-like gloom with rain every other day, and the southeast is getting a bit of all of the above. Yesterday’s initial forecast, when announced back on Tuesday, was for a medium chance of tornadoes and hail. Not rain or mist or thunderstorms, but weather potentially so extreme there’s nothing we can even do about it. Thankfully, conditions shifted and let us off the hook,...
During this webinar Helen and Hugo showed a powerpoint with 2 video clips to illustrate the importance of ground cover. The 1st is from the Mulloon Institute The 2nd played is from the trailer from Kiss the GroundDiscussion Points– Importance of 100% ground cover for soil health and fertility– Carbon capture and nutrient retention by ground cover– Role of sunlight in photosynthesis and cooling the atmosphere– Involvement of key figures like Gabe Brown and Peter Andrews– Necessity of soil health for sustainable farming and food quality– Prevention of soil erosion through ground cover– Detrimental effects of chemical fertilizers on soil health and mycorrhizal fungi– Use of compost and soil-based carbon capture solutions for climate change...