Hickery Holler Farm: Canning Elderberry Pie Filling

 The elderberries are blooming and loaded this year. In the most recent freezer clean out I thawed out some and canned some homemade elderberry pie filling. This should make room for the new crop in the freezer. For me elderberry has been a super simple crop to grow and easy to propagate. I dehydrate some for hot tea during the winter as it is supposed to help strengthen the immune system. This is the first pie filling from them I have canned thus far. Elderberry Pie Filling for canning (1 quart)5 cups elderberries1 cup sugar1 cup water1 TBSP lemon juice1/4 cup Clear Jel1. Combine water, sugar, Clear Jel and cook over medium heat until thick stirring often to prevent sticking.2. Add lemon juice and simmer for about a minute3. Fold in elderberries and simmer for about 5 minutes. 4. Put in hot jars and seal. Process quarts and pints in water bath canner for 30 minutes. ***My berries were frozen so I defrosted the berries and strained off the juice and used it as my water. You can add water to the juice the compensate for the difference.)Blessings from The HollerThe Canned quilter****************************